Boon, The Mind of The Race, The Wild Asses of The Devil, and The Last Trump

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Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer. He was prolific in many genres, writing dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, but he is now best remembered for his science fiction novels. "Boon" is a work of literary satire. It is best known for its part in Wells's debate on the nature of literature with Henry James, who is caricatured in the book, but here Wells also mocks himself, calling into question and ridiculing a notion he held dear — that of humanity's collective consciousness.

СерияOriginal м
ПереплетМягкий переплёт
Год, тираж2018
492 ₽697 ₽

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Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer. He was prolific in many genres, writing dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, but he is now best remembered for his science fiction novels. "Boon" is a work of literary satire. It is best known for its part in Wells's debate on the nature of literature with Henry James, who is caricatured in the book, but here Wells also mocks himself, calling into question and ridiculing a notion he held dear — that of humanity's collective consciousness.

СерияOriginal м
ПереплетМягкий переплёт
Кол-во страниц184
Год издания2018
РазделКниги на английском языке
Размеры14.8 см × 20.9 см
Вес0.24 кг
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